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Masaya365 Entertainment proudly presents its newest slot game – Super Ace, Masaya365’s latest masterpiece that combines thrilling poker elements with captivating game design. The game grid of Super Ace is carefully adorned with the classic 52 poker cards, featuring spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs, creating an immersive visual adventure for players.

In every grid of Super Ace, a series of paintings unfolds, showcasing the unique beauty of poker cards. Ace, King, Queen, and Joker are not just cards; they take center stage in the entertainment realm, injecting life into the game through exquisite design and stunning animations. When winning free spins, these characters reveal their mesmerizing charm, providing players with a profound sense of excitement at the moment of winning substantial rewards.

Super Ace is not merely a slot game; it is a challenge to win abundant wealth. You will have the opportunity to unlock the wealth code of Super Ace, experiencing the joy and thrill of winning significant prizes. At Masaya365 Entertainment, we have prepared endless entertainment for you, awaiting your challenge!

With high expectations, Masaya365 Entertainment looks forward to every player finding their unique way to win wealth in the game of Super Ace. We are committed to continuously improving the game quality, ensuring you experience unprecedented excitement and satisfaction in our entertainment realm. Feel free to visit Masaya365 Entertainment anytime, challenge Super Ace, and win endless entertainment and wealth!

Super Ace includes both the main game and free games.

The number of winning lines in Super Ace is 1024.

The game layout of Super Ace is 4-4-4-4, with a total of 20 exquisite poker cards in each round. The cards feature themes of spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs, showcasing the classic poker style. Among them, the Ace, King, Queen, Joker, and other face cards are rich and colorful, injecting diverse elements into the game.

In these 20 cards, golden-colored Ace, King, Queen, and Joker occasionally appear, serving as not only visual highlights but also key elements in the game. When these golden poker cards are triggered, they magically transform into “Wild,” adding more suspense and excitement to the game, making each round full of surprises. During the unpredictable game progress, the “SCATTER” symbol randomly appears, introducing more variables to the entire game.

Featuring a “Wild” wild card, Super Ace triggers a transformation into “Wild” when golden poker cards are eliminated during a winning combination, expanding the possibilities of winning. This is one of the distinctive features of Super Ace.

Super Ace offers four multiplier levels: X1, X2, X3, and X5. The triggering condition is that after each win, the multiplier advances to the next level. The final prize awarded is determined based on the multiplier, providing you with richer cash rewards.

When three “Scatter” symbols appear in the game grid, it triggers the highly anticipated free games. During the free games, the multipliers double, and upon entering the Super Ace free games, you will have the opportunity to experience higher-level multipliers, including X2, X4, X6, and X10.

Super Ace Gameplay Introduction

(1)Main Game:

In the Super Ace main game, players have the freedom to choose their bet amount from the very beginning. Moreover, there is a possibility of triggering the special features game with the golden card “Wild” or “Scatter.” The machine is equipped with convenient features such as free spins, autoplay, and rapid spin functionality.

(2)Free Game:

The Free Game mode in Super Ace follows the same gameplay as the main game, but with an exciting twist. Multipliers are triggered during Free Game mode, doubling the excitement. Upon entering the Super Ace Free Game, players will have the chance to experience higher levels of multipliers, including X2, X4, X6, X10, with the potential to reach over 600 times the original bet.

(3)High Probability of Triggering “Wild” in Super Ace:

The probability of triggering the golden card “Wild” in Super Ace is exceptionally high, enhancing the chances of winning. Additionally, there is a high probability of encountering a button that offers free game rewards when the “Wild” is triggered.

Super Ace Feature Analysis:

High Probability of Triggering “Wild”:

In both the Super Ace main game and Free Game, players have a significantly high probability of triggering the wildcard pattern. This is attributed to the frequent appearance of the “Golden Card” in each round. Once a card with the “Golden Card” is eliminated, the “Wild” feature is immediately activated. The extraordinary function of “Wild” lies in its versatility, as it can substitute for various game patterns, significantly increasing the chances of winning. This high probability trigger ensures that every spin is filled with anticipation. “Wild” becomes a powerful ally in winning money, adding more possibilities for victory throughout the prize-winning process.

Winning Triggers High Multipliers:

Super Ace cultivates an atmosphere where winning serves as a gateway to peak rewards, infusing each round with anticipation and excitement. After winning in Super Ace, there is a high probability of advancing to the next level. To achieve the highest multiplier cash prize, players need to break through just four layers. This creates a thrilling challenge, turning each winning moment into a key to unlocking even greater rewards.

Free Game Multiplier Doubling:

A standout feature of Super Ace Free Game is the doubling of multipliers once you enter the free game mode. Upon entry, multipliers are triggered to double, providing players with the opportunity to experience higher levels of multiplication, including X2, X4, X6, X10, with the highest multiplier reaching well beyond 600 times. This unique aspect of Free Game adds an extra layer of excitement, allowing players to potentially win astonishingly large rewards with each spin.


Super Ace Experience Insights:

Clear Experience with High Drop Rate of Sensational Golden Cards:

Super Ace provides a clear experience with a high drop rate of the sensational “Golden Cards,” making it highly probable to trigger the “Wild” feature. This ease of triggering leads to consecutive wins with the “High Multiplier” feature. Although reaching the challenging X5 multiplier in the final level (outside of Free Game rounds) may be difficult, it is not entirely impossible. This enhances the player’s realistic sense of winning.

Unlocking Free Games with Three Scatters:

Collecting three Scatters allows entry into 10 free game rounds, providing a high number of gifted rounds. Moreover, the multiplier within the free game rounds is higher, easily surpassing the X5 multiplier achievable in the main game.

Consistent High Drop Rate of Golden Cards:

The consistently high drop rate of Golden Cards prevents players from feeling weakened at the start of new rounds. Continuous wins provide players with ample opportunities to win the highest cash prizes.

We remind you that you must be over 18 years old to participate in Bonus365. Bonus365 welcomes all qualified adult players to join and enjoy exciting online gaming fun with us.

Super Ace Artwork:

(1)Familiar and Friendly Poker Card Design:

The familiar and friendly design of poker cards ensures players feel comfortable and at ease, eliminating any sense of unfamiliarity.

(2)Distinctive Design of Ace, King, Queen, Joker:

The specially designed Ace, King, Queen, and Joker are easily recognizable, creating tension and anticipation. The bouncing coins representing Scatters are also delightful and appealing.

Super Ace Music and Sound Effects:

Upbeat and Lively Music Atmosphere:

The lively and cheerful music creates a joyful and relaxed atmosphere.

Charming Sound Effects, Especially the Coin-Triggered Ones:

The sound effects during elimination and triggering special games are splendid and unique, accompanied by the delightful sound of coins. However, individuals who prefer a more subdued style may not appreciate this music and sound effects.